Hapus buff/cache Server Linux + Cronjob
Buffer ? : Buffering is the process of preloading data into a reserved area of memory called buffer memory. Buffer memory is a temporary storage area in the main memory (RAM) that stores […]
Buffer ? : Buffering is the process of preloading data into a reserved area of memory called buffer memory. Buffer memory is a temporary storage area in the main memory (RAM) that stores […]
Cara upgrade versi os linux terbaru versi termimal, siapkan kopi dan internet kencang karena perlu sekitar 1 jam. masuk ssh: Tahap 1 : sudo apt upgrade
Panduan Lengkap membuat, seting, install Cloud Server VPS Linux ubuntu lewat SSH. Membangun cloud hosting, web server VPS memiliki speed loading super cepat + full akses control menggunakan remote SSH, Sistem operasi ubuntu […]