Demand Jobs for Skilled Professionals Australia

Demand Jobs for Skilled Professionals Australia

The Skilled Migration list, we have chosen the top 49 most in-demand jobs in Australia based on the Occupation ceilings updated by the government recently.

Understand how you can use this to  your advantage and learn about the ways to migrate to Australia as a skilled professional in this read.

List top demand, populer job vacancy position in Australia:

Rank Job In demand Occupation ID Occupation
1 Registered Nurses 2544 17,859
2 Secondary School Teachers 2414 8,716
3 Software and Applications Programmers 2613 8,405
4 Electricians 3411 8,021
5 Construction Managers 1331 7,145
6 Carpenters and Joiners 3312 6,812
7 Metal Fitters and Machinists 3232 6,335
8 Plumbers 3341 5,861
9 Motor Mechanics 3212 5,205
10 University Lecturers and Tutors 2421 5,042
11 Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 3223 4,866
12 Solicitors 2713 4,535
13 Management consultants 2247 4,526
14 General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 2531 4,257
15 Other Specialist Managers 1399 4,188
16 Civil Engineering Professionals 2332 3,919
17 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 2411 3,321
18 Painting Trades Workers 3322 3,303
19 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 2335 2,682
20 Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists 2621 2,667
21 ICT Business and Systems Analysts 2611 2,273
22 Chefs 3513 2,256
23 Computer Network Professionals 2631 2,245
24 Electronics Trades Workers 3423 2,047
25 Social Workers 2725 1,862
26 Special Education Teachers 2415 1,721
27 Bricklayers and Stonemasons 3311 1,712
28 Cabinetmakers 3941 1,694
29 Physiotherapists 2525 1,685
30 Health and Welfare Services Managers 1342 1,666
31 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 2212 1,619
32 Air conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 3421 1,581
33 Psychologists 2723 1,545
34 Medical Laboratory Scientists 2346 1,536
35 Engineering Managers 1332 1,474
36 Occupational Therapists 2524 1,461
37 Architects and Landscape Architects 2321 1,452
38 Plasterers 3332 1,452
39 Electrical Engineers 2333 1,348
40 Midwives 2541 1,333
41 Environmental Scientists 2343 1,295
42 Sports Coaches, Instructors and Officials 4523 1,262
43 Animal Attendants and Trainers 3611 1,239
44 Other Medical Practitioners 2539 1,168
45 Medical Imaging Professionals 2512 1,161
46 Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 2349 1,056
47 Accountants 2211 1,000
48 Wall and Floor Tilers 3334 1,000
49 Artistic Directors, and Media Producers and Presenters 2121 1,000