VPS Server : Fast loading Powerful, starting price $6 / month

VPS Server : Fast loading Powerful, starting price $6 / month

Powerful VPS Web Hosting, Fast Loading + Low Price

Honest Cloud VPS Vultr Review, Fast loading speed and cheap price from $6/month. No.1 Recommended Best VPS Server Fast, Reliable, Scalable and Affordable. Deploy Your Cloud VPS In Just 35 Seconds!

PROVEN VPS Loading Fast is proven real, Admin has tested directly on the smallest VPS specifications vCPU 1core, RAM 1Gb loading without delay, without lag 100% smoothly triumphant during the install process & SSH access.

VPS or virtual private server is perfect for those who want to experience powerful server performance, fast loading and able to withstand high traffic blog visitors, websites.


VPS VULTR Advantages

Cloud VM uses 100% pure NVMe, Intel CPU and ECC RAM to get the fastest Speed Loading performance.

Full Root Access
Dedicated IPv4
Upto 500Mbps Transfer
Uptime 99.9%
Reverse DNS
Internal Private Networking.
Fast VPS Package Upgrade / Down grade 5-10 minutes.

Disadvantages of:

VPS Unmanage so users must understand the basics of the server.
Support help response is a little slow
Local bank transfer payments are still manually confirmed.
Monthly subscription system, users must deposit at the beginning to be able to subscribe annually.


Cloud VPS Price

Starting from 25 GB SSD $6/month vCPU 1 GB Memory 1 TB Bandwidth, Recommended best performance super fast loading minimum spec vCPU 4 Core and 8Gb Ram.

VPS Server : Fast loading Powerful, starting price $6 / month

The package data above is the lowest vps spec, later it can be easily Scalable (upgrade / downgrade) + prices can change at any time, Get it now!


OS server

  1. Linux, Ubuntu, Debian
  2. windows, Centos
  3. CoreOS, Fedora
  4. End more.


Data Center

Here is the location of the VPS server data center:


Payment Method

  • Bank Transfer, Paypal
  • Kartu kredit / VCC
  • More..


Try VPS Today

Enjoy the best VPS, fast and resilient 99% uptime, go to : Cloud VULTR.