7+ How to increase organic traffic to website (blog)

Getting organic website visitors from search engines is easy but it needs a process and not in a short time, OK see the steps below.

Ranking high on search results is a dream for any website, blog owner or marketer. If you rank on the first page, you’re sure to generate plenty of organic traffic. Fail to rank on the first page, and your dream remains just that — a dream.

Here are eight practical tips on how to get organic traffic to your website:

Apply Long-tail keywords

Writing high-quality content is only half the battle if you want to learn how to drive traffic to your website. You can increase organic traffic to a large extent if you focus on long-tail keywords in your keyword research.

Long-tail keywords are a combination of three or four words, such as “best WordPress security plugins” or “restaurants in Lagos.” You can create compelling titles for your blog posts by using long-tail keywords. Consider using tools like Ahrefs’ free keyword generator when you search for keyword ideas.

Optimize on-page SEO

Besides creating and publishing great content, you need to optimize your web pages for search engines when learning how to drive traffic to your website.

On-page SEO includes optimizing your images, HTML tags, and headlines. Ensure your images support your content, and optimize your meta description and title tags. Your header tags make your posts easier and more enjoyable to read, which can also impact your rankings.

OK, Everyone can learn, analyse more about on-page SEO for free at : Website SEO Guide!

Overall, your on-page SEO will increase website traffic and boost your website’s visibility in the SERPs.

Remove non-performing content

Non-performing content is content on a website that does not fulfil its original purpose. It can cause major bottlenecks and jeopardise your chances of ranking in SERPs.

That’s because search engines run into obstacles in the crawling process and leave your website before getting to important pages.

Removing non-performing pages allows important content to rank higher on the results page and will help you acquire more organic traffic.

Create Video Versions of Content

Your content strategy doesn’t have to stop at creating great material for your website – you can transform it into various formats, including audio or video.

For example, YouTube videos can help attract and engage new visitors. Uploading videos is an online marketing strategy that allows customers to see a demonstration of your product or service.

Videos also help answer questions about your brand, provide informational leads in the form of links to blogs so that you can get traffic for your blog, website and other content.

Create FAQ Content?

Instead of creating generic content on a topic, dig deeper and look for questions that people are asking on Google Search. Most of those asking these questions are entrepreneurs looking for specific solutions.

You can create content with a targeted audience that will generate organic traffic. So, if you’re a blogger, use Google’s People Also Ask feature to find questions that need answering and create blog posts.

If you create content around actual questions that users are asking, you will definitely bring in organic site traffic.

Write Articles for Humans

Never just chase SEO optimisation and keyword traffic and strange content read by humans, this is a fatal mistake.

Provide complete information to visitors about the content presented, based on the topic convey in-depth details based on existing reality.

In the end, visitors will feel happy to get new things and get complete information without having to go to another website.

Don’t Forget Social Media

It cannot be denied that website traffic from social media is not good enough to be considered irrelevant SPAM and less for the purpose of sales or other services including ad publishers.

Keep providing social media channels such as creating accounts on @X, Facebook, Instagram.

Provide article features in blogs or websites so that visitors can easily share with friends and this can be organic additional traffic by social media.


This guide doesn’t cover every method on how to get organic traffic to your website, but the tips we cover will help you build a successful organic traffic strategy.